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The Great Wars (Paperback)

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The Great War Book Contain: - Section 1Battle of FranceChapter 1: Story of WarChapter 2: Maginot Line2.1 Planning and construction2.2 1927: Allied Control Commission abolished2.3 German economic superiority2.4 War of long duration2.5 Manning2.6 Organization2.7 Inventory2.8 Features2.9 German invasion in World War II2.10 Post-war assessmentChapter 3: Invasion of Poland3.1 Breakdown of talks3.2 Opposing forces3.3 Details3.4 Aftermath3.5 Eyewitness accounts3.6 Misconceptions3.7 First use of Blitzkrieg strategyChapter 4: Phoney War4.1 German strategy4.2 Manstein Plan4.3 Mechelen incident4.4 Allied strategy4.5 Dyle Plan/Plan DChapter: 5 Prelude5.1 Luftwaffe5.2 Battle5.3 Weygand Plan5.4 BEF and the Channel ports5.5 Fall Rot5.6 Second BEF evacuation5.7 Battle of the Alps5.8 Armistice5.9 Aftermath5.10 OccupationSection 2Battle of GettysburgIndexChapter 1: Story of GettysburgChapter 2: Opposing forces2.1 ConfederateChapter 3: Battle3.1 First day of battle3.2 Second day of battle3.3 Third day of battleChapter 4: Aftermath4.1 Confederate retreat4.2 Union reaction to the news of the victory4.3 Effect on the ConfederacyChapter 5: Retreat from Gettysburg5.1 Imboden's wagon train5.2 Fairfield and Monterey Pass5.3 Sedgwick's reconnaissance5.4 Pursuit to Williamsport5.5 Face-off at the Potomac5.6 Across the Potomac5.7 Shepherdstown and Manassas GapChapter 6: Gettysburg Address6.1 Program and Everett's "Gettysburg Oration"6.2 Text of the Gettysburg Address6.3 Lincoln's sources6.4 Five manuscriptsChapter 7: Contemporary sources and reactionChapter 8: LegacyChapter 9: Historical assessmentChapter 10: Battlefield preservationSection 3Battle of the SommeChapter 1: Battle of Somme1.1 Strategic developments1.2 Battle of VerdunChapter 2: Brusilov Offensive2.1 Prelude2.2 Breakthrough2.3 BattleChapter 3: Russian deportations3.1 Tactical developmentsChapter 4: Mines on the first day of the SommeChapter 5: Battle: 1 July 1916Chapter 6: PreludeChapter 7: Battles of the Somme, 1916Chapter 8: Attack at FromellesChapter 9: AttackChapter 10: Casualties & CommemorationSection 4Korean WarChapter 1: Story of War 1.1 Imperial Japanese rule (1910-1945)1.2 Korea divided (1945-1949)1.3 Chinese Civil War (1945-1949)1.4 Communist insurgency in South Korea (1948-1950)1.5 Prelude to war (1950)1.6 Comparison of forcesChapter 2: Course of the war2.1 Factors in US intervention2.2 United Nations Security Council Resolutions2.3 United States' response (July-August 1950)2.4 The drive south and Pusan (July-September 1950)2.5 Battle of Inchon (September 1950)2.6 Breakout from the Pusan Perimeter2.7 UN forces invade North Korea (September-October 1950)2.8 China intervenes (October-December 1950)2.9 Fighting around the 38th Parallel (January-June 1951)2.10 Stalemate (July 1951 - July 1953)2.11 Armistice (July 1953 - November 1954)2.12 Division of Korea (1954-present)Chapter 3: Characteristics3.1 Military3.2 US unpreparedness for war3.3 Armored warfare3.4 Naval warfare3.5 Aerial warfare3.6 Bombing of North Korea3.7 US threat of atomic warfare3.8 War crimes3.9 Prisoners of war3.10 UN Command POWs3.11 RecreationChapter 4: AftermathChapter 5: Australia in the Korean War5.1 Australia's military involvement5.2 Battle of Yongju5.3 Chinese entry5.4 Battle of Kapyong5.5 Battle of Maryang San 5.6 Digging inChapter 6: RAN in Korea6.1 RAAF in Korea6.2 Battle of SunchonChapter 7: Canada in the Korean War7.1 Canadian Army involvement7.2 Area of operations7.3 Operation Killer7.4 Battle of Kapyong7.5 Royal Canadian Navy in Korea7.6 Royal Canadian Air Force in Korea7.7 Cessation of hostilities.

Product Details
ISBN: 9798557989305
Publisher: Independently Published
Publication Date: November 3rd, 2020
Pages: 498
Language: English