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SYRAKI "Crystals of Divinity": DELIVERY - V ... A Journey Yondah... To Divine Prisms of Light (Paperback)

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SYRAKI "Crystals of Divinity".
Delivery - V ... A Journey Yondah... To Divine Prisms of Light.
SYRAKI Holistic Ways (series - 1) Vol. - 5, edition - 1.
How to care for crystals, which ones to select for Healing benefits and where to place them on Chakra's of the body or how to create crystal healing layouts for personal treats, this knowledge and more is disclosed. Crystals can be used for all Holistic purposes, including how to create and use a Crystal Shroud for those you love, to offer for their Ascension purposes, thus assurance is Gifted for the crossing over of ones Soul to Heaven once death occurs, which is a glorious process of Continuance, and is a Gift ordained by Cheylia' to ensure it is so. A Crystal Sweyth Cape may be created to offer Divine Atonement... to refresh ones Soul. This offers a Crystalline cleanse of ones Aura and Spiritual Energy, so one may be rid of past experiences and traumas, thus allowing a continuation of ones journey through life with a fresh start, which allows many doors to re-open that may have closed due to unwelcome events of the past. Crystals of Divinity were Channelled via Cheylia' and Her guides for their benefits and abilities that transfer Divine Universal Energies that offer intense alignments and Holistic Healing to take place for those in need. A Healers ability to pass on these benefits is gained through information disclosed. There is much to tell, but of little value until the knowledge within this wonderful book is shared with you. The ways of Crystallinity and its secrets are already being used to offer assistance and service, including meditations and Spiritual Union, that may open your Ley Visions... for future paths to be guided and enjoyed. There is no better way to honour crystals and their unique energies than to offer Divine and ancient ways for all to know of and utilize. Crystals used are specially chosen for their unique properties that give off frequencies for various Holistic and Healing Services, including Unification. When used for healing their benefits are passed on by using Channelled Healing Ways. Crystals are being utilized for many electronic advances in today's modern world, however it is time to turn ones attention to their Healing properties and how to unite with their energies and then transfer them. There are many crystals and many ways this may be achieved to help others. The secrets of Universal Healing with Crystals are awakened, many layouts have been channelled, mystic designs, their benefits and ways to create them with Divinity Crystals are yours. If caring for crystals is of concern, look no further, if finding crystals and meanings is of interest, look no further, we have selected only the crystals channelled through a Crystalline Syrah using unification of Cheylia's Guides. These are the crystals used for SYRAKI Holistic Ways, which include services for Healing, Cleansing and Ascension, as well as other reasons to discover. Know there is a way to start your life over, to cleanse your aura of past issues offering you a new beginning, with no past events to concern or burden you down, for they have no purpose in a new journey of life. Your Spiritual Essence within is transformed back to its original beauty, giving you the confidence that may be lacking to venture forth into unchartered territories. Welcome Cheylia's Gifts for there is no way of possibly understanding how profound the knowledge offered is until you have claimed it for yourself. We welcome you as the Crystalline person you really are. There are so many ways to improve your future outlook using Crystals and Flame of candles when delivered by those who know how to use them properly. Learn all these skills, be confident in them and pass on their benefits... as a Crystalline Healer. Allow us to open new doors that release the wonders of crystals for you and those you love.
So Sha.
Sho'Lin Dene & Shaman Eile.

Product Details
ISBN: 9798378088935
Publisher: Independently Published
Publication Date: February 18th, 2023
Pages: 68
Language: English